All Among the Barley — "Now is come September, the hunter's moon begun," and young men and women meet … Berryfields of Blair — Singer describes migrant workers' descent on Blair in berry-picking time; there… The Big Combine — Singer describes the crew of "harvest stiffs" on the big combine (harvester) in… The Blaeberry Courtship — A Lowland girl is induced to follow a Highland lad home "to pick blueberries" (… The Brisk and Bonny Lass (The Brisk and Bonny Lad) — Cheerful description of the life of a farm girl. She wakes at dawn and milks th… E. P. Walker — E. P. Walker's thresher gets caught and fails to work. Someone drops in a wrenc… Gathering Nuts in May — "Here we go gathering nuts in May, nuts in May, nuts in May, Here we go gatheri… The Hairst — "I see the reapers in the field, for hairst is come." The singer praises "The b… Harvest Home Song (I) — Singer toasts the master of the house, his health and prosperity, and the mistr… The Hop-Pickers' Tragedy — A group of hop-pickers on their way from work approaches (Larklake) Bridge in a…