The Bantry Girl's Lament for Johnny — "Oh who will plough the field now ... Since Johnny went a-thrashing the dirty K… Belle Est Morte Entre les Bras de Son Amant, La (The Beautiful Woman Died in her Lover's Arms) — French. A soldier gives a girl a gold ring to wait for him. Her father marries … Belle Regrette Son Amour Tendre, La (The Beautiful Woman Sorrows for Her Tender Love) — French. The singer left his mistress to work along the river. There he met anot… The Beloved Land — A young man on deck says "Farewell my beloved land; I'll see thee no more." He … Bill Dunbar — "Come all you sympathizers, I pray you lend an ear. It's of a drowning accident… The Bird Rocks — "Twas winter down the icy gulf, The Gulf St Lawrence wide." The Bird Rocks ligh… Blue-Haired Boy (Little Willie II, Blue-Haired Jimmy) — (Willie/Jimmy) has gone ("He never died so suddenly before"). After undergoing … The Bonnie Hind — A sailor, new come from the sea, sees a girl and sleeps with her. After the dee… The Brave Volunteers — Henry leaves Margaret, his wife, and baby to volunteer "to fight 'neath a monar… Calvary — Story of Jesus' crucifixion told from the point of view of one of his grieving …