The Dog Song — "There is something so thrilling and gay As the team into harness we strop." Th… The Dog in the Closet (The Old Dyer) — The hatter has to hide in the closet when the woman's husband comes home unexpe… The Dog's Convention — At a convention of dogs from far and near, the animals' anuses are mixed up, an… Donagh Hill — "On the eighth of November In the year of '68" there was a hare hunt on Donagh … The Duke of Buckingham's Hounds — The (Duke of Buckingham) goes out to hunt fox with his good hounds. The names o… The Echoing Horn — At the dawn of day the echoing horn calls to the foxhunt; the fox breaks, the d… Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog — "In Ixlington there was a man Of whom the world might say That still he was a g… The Fair of Rosslea — Monday, November 8 Frank Hynes meets Dolan at the fair of Rosslea. They agreed … Fylemore — "Fylemore you're the place for merry sport and singing and the chief amongst th… Gamekeepers Lie Sleeping — "I keep my dogs and my ferrets too, O I have them in my keepin' To catch good h…