The Old Grey Mare (II) — "Once I had an old grey mare (x3), Saddled her and rode her there." "When I got… One and Twenty — "My father was a farmer gay, With beef and corn in plenty, I hoed, I mowed, I h… The Poor Old Sailor — An old sailor begging tells his story: his death, falsely reported, caused his … The Pot Wrassler — The camp cook tells cowboys he spent years riding the range but "now I'm a-wras… The Rocks of Bawn — Singer warns fellow-laborers not to hire with any master without knowing what t… The Rocks of Bawn — Singer warns fellow-laborers not to hire with any master without knowing what t… Root, Hog, or Die (VI -- Cowboy Bawdy variant) — The singer heads to Arizona to punch cattle. He takes a holiday in Phoenix, whe… Root, Hog, or Die (VI -- Cowboy Bawdy variant) — The singer heads to Arizona to punch cattle. He takes a holiday in Phoenix, whe… Sheelicks — About a riotous wedding, attended by all whether invited or not, at McGinty's. … Sheelicks — About a riotous wedding, attended by all whether invited or not, at McGinty's. …