A Stor Mo Chroi (Treasure of My Heart) — The singer to his/her love: You'll soon leave for a strange land "rich in its t… Adieu to Lovely Garrison — The singer is far away from home. He bids adieu to the places he spent his yout… Advice to Paddy — "Paddy ... join with your protestant brother." "Your foes have long prided to s… After Aughrim's Great Disaster — ""After Aughrim's great disaster, When our foe in sooth was master," a few surv… The Amnesty Meeting in Tipperary — "Tipperary to give you your merit Your meeting exceeded them all." At noon on O… An "Croppy Lie Down" (The "Croppy Lie Down") — Gaelic. When Spain and France come the English will be defeated and we won't ha… Anniversary of the Shutting of the Gates of Derry — The closing of Derry's gates, the seige and its relief are recounted with the n… Ar Eirinn Ni Neosfainn Ce hi (For Ireland I Will Not Tell Whom She Is) — Singer's intended lives with her rich parents by the Avonmore river. She would … Arbour Hill — "No rising column marks the spot Where many a victim lies." The blood shed ther… Around the Hills of Clare — In the past the singer had thought the Saxon bands could be driven from his hom…