The Coventry Carol — A lullaby and a lament: the singer asks how to preserve her baby, for "Herod th… Cowcadden's Heroes — The key members of Orange Lodge One-Six-Two are named. Then the singer puts him… Daniel Prayed — Daniel prays to God three times a day. Cast in the lions' den, the lions' jaws … Daniel in the Lion's Den — "Among the Jewish captives one Daniel there was found." Daniel's piety is renow… Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground — "Dark was the night and cold was the ground On which the Lord was laid; The swe… David's Lamentation — "David the king was grieved and moved, He went to his chamber, his chamber and … Dese Bones Gwine to Rise Again — A light retelling of the Biblical creation myth: God makes Adam, then Eve; Eve,… Didn't It Rain — "Now didn't it rain, children...." Various events related to the flood: "It rai… Don't You Hear My Hammer Ringing — Chain-gang work song, with chorus line, "Oh don't you hear my hammer ringing?" … Don't You Weep After Me — "When I'm dead and buried don't you weep after me (x3).... I don't want you to …